Commercial Applications
Meets OSHA/ADA recommendation
- For use on dirty tile, greasy concrete and any natural stone
- Used for over 14 years in McDonald’s Restaurants
- Used by resorts, cruise lines and amusement parks
- Easy to train and use Slip Safe Tile Treatment
- Cleaner/Degreaser maintains the integrity of the tile or slippery surface

Floor Care Consultants
- Use the Slip Safe Tile Treatment system, includes Slip Safe Tile Treatment and Slip Safe Cleaner/Degreaser
- A professional approach to treating tile, stone, concrete and any natural floor materials (not wood or epoxy treated)
- Help your client meet OSHA/ADA friction requirements
- Slip Safe Tile Treatment system recommends using American Slip Meter to check and verify your results
- Over 14 years experience in various commercial floor care situations
Carpet and Tile Cleaners
- Slip Safe Tile Treatment can be used on showers, anti-slip bath tubs, kitchen tile and pool decks
- Easy to use and apply, mop on-rinse off