Standard Operating Checklist (SOC) For Slip Safe Tile Treatment

Standard Operating Checklist (SOC) For Slip Safe Tile Treatment

En Español

Year One

Watch Application Video prior to application, takes a few minutes

Tools Required

  • Average restaurant uses 6 gallons of Slip Safe for the lobby, grill and outside entrances
  • One mop and bucket
  • 2 gallon garden sprayer
  • Clean water in mop bucket for floor rinse
  • Change the water as often as needed, it will get dirty, especially around the entrances
  • Wear Protective Gloves/ Eye Protection/Face Protection

It will take two people about one hour to treat an average size restaurant.


  1. Start the first thing in the morning an hour before the lobby opens with a Dry Floor , Do Not Pre-Clean.
  2. Shake the Slip Safe bottle and pour a gallon into the sprayer
  3. Spray Slip Safe on with good coverage on both bathrooms and half way out into the lobby(about 100 square feet)
  4. Use a deck brush and spread the Slip Safe evenly over the tile and concrete, no need to clean the grout per the video
  5. Set a timer for 5 minutes
  6. While the timer is on, Spray Slip Safe on the next section of the lobby and repeat the steps
  7. After 5 minutes mop off the first area with clean water (That area is done)
  8. Repeat these steps throughout the restaurant, a section at a time all the way out the back door(s) and on to the apron of the restaurant, treat in front of entrances and areas where drive thru runs out orders (Mobile App ) You can rinse Slip Safe off the concrete with a hose
  9. Using the clean-water mop bucket, mop off the Slip Safe Tile Treatment Thoroughly, CHANGE THE WATER OFTEN, IF IT GETS DIRTY, CHANGE THE WATER! Especially by front entrance.
  10. You are done; it will work immediately even if it is still wet.

Apply Slip Safe anywhere you mop

Treat in front of fryers, grills, walkways, and drive thru every 3 months

Spot Treatment Beginning Year 2

Tools Needed

  • Use 4 gallons of Slip Safe to treat all travel paths inside and outside the restaurant
  • 2 gallon garden sprayer
  • Deck Brush
  • Mop and bucket with clean water


  1. Start With a dry floor, an hour before opening so no water is in the grill yet
  2. Shake Slip Safe and pour a gallon into the sprayer

Spray areas where customers and crew will walk, bathrooms, not behind fixtures, middle of aisle, not under tables

  1. Spray Slip Safe on with good coverage on both bathrooms and half way out into the lobby (about 100 square feet)
  2. Use a deck brush and spread the Slip Safe evenly over the tile and concrete, no need to clean the grout per the video
  3. Set a timer for 5 minutes
  4. While the timer is on, Spray Slip Safe on the next section of the lobby and repeat the steps
  5. After 5 minutes mop off the first area with clean water (That area is done)
  6. Repeat these steps throughout the restaurant, a section at a time all the way out the back door(s) and on to the apron of the restaurant, treat in front of entrances and areas where drive thru runs out orders

You can rinse Slip Safe off the concrete with a hose

  1. Using the clean-water mop bucket, mop off the Slip Safe Tile Treatment Thoroughly, CHANGE THE WATER OFTEN, IF IT GETS DIRTY, CHANGE THE WATER! Especially by front entrance.

You are done; it will work immediately even if it is still wet.

Do this quarterly on your hot spots to help prevent slip and falls

In front of food prep areas, grills and fryers

Anywhere people hustle and mop